On November 19, 2024, the REAL Supply Unit hosted its inaugural Policy Seminar, part of the joint REAL Supply and REAL Demand Research Units Health Economics and Policy Seminar Series, featuring Dr. Brendan Collins, a Senior Lecturer in Public Health Economics at the University of Liverpool and former Head of Economic Modelling for the Welsh Government.
Dr. Collins delivered an engaging talk on “Using Health Economics in Local Government and Devolved Administrations”. He shared his personal journey into health economics, with insights from his experiences on leveraging economic models and tools to shape local and national policy. Highlights included his contributions to Welsh Government COVID-19 policy modeling, the development of sugary drinks duty models, and collaborations with UNICEF on Social Return on Investment (SROI) tools for nutrition programs in low-resource settings.
The seminar, which was held at the University of York and online via Zoom and attracted 98 attendees, underscored the pivotal role of health economics in policymaking. Dr. Collins emphasised the need for accessible, adaptable tools to bridge the gap between academic models and practical policymaking, fostering evidence-based decisions, from evaluating interventions at the community level to influencing systemic change.